Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Give yourself "Permission to Play!"

Love this challenge using cardboard and paint and stuff! All free videos too! First, you must register and then you will receive emails for each successive lesson which requires a password to watch - but all are downloadable, so I am able to bring them along on our New Year's vacation!  Check out the pinned post by Carolyn Dube. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653707154911287/

Top 2000 Blog Party!

This is so interesting! A Dutch art challenge where a radio station plays the top 2000 songs for 24 hours a day from Christmas to New Year's eve and each person playing along does one or two art pieces inspired by a different song each day and emails then to the organizer. There's also a FB page to post the artwork. The songs and art pieces appear to be done in English but most of the folks are Dutch so I keep having to use the translator on the FB page to read their posts, but can easily read the artwork since its in English.  Over half the people in the Netherlands listen to this every year. I wish I had time to play along but I've got lots of other things to do, just wanted to share. :)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

New Daisy Yellow Class "A Novel Approach" starts 29 Dec 2015!

I just received an exciting early Christmas gift from my sweet husband Bruce! This gift will last well into 2016: early registration for a new self-paced online class being offered by Daisy Yellow called "A Novel Approach" where we'll be altering a book using artistic elements and processes. Santa's helping out too by giving me new heavy bodied and high flow acrylic paints (plus regular acrylic paints since my supply is dwindling) as well as some Stabilo crayons. I'll post some photos as I go along on my FB Page plus will post and follow the new closed FB Group where the class will share our work and encourage each other. Theres no requirement to draw or be an artist! I'm visited my local Goodwill Thrift Store and picked up several books so I can jump around and play in one while another dries. I'm excited about playing in this new class - it's not aimed at creating beautiful art masterpieces but instead will focus on processes and will be quite different for me and help me to evolve as I continue my artistic journey. Here's the link and post by Daisy Yellow owner, Tammy Garcia if you're interested in joining - this is a paid class, but is well worth the price: 

Happy to announce that Novel Approach is open for registration!!! This is a project that I've been working on for months. This is no-rules, fun, wild, mixed media art journaling! The class is designed for beginner to intermediate skill level with regard to painting with acrylics. I break down these pages and you can see as I start from a blank page in a book and create grungy painty pages in an altered book. Link: http://daisyyellowart.com/vividlife/novel-approach-new-online-art-journal-workshop This is the first in a series of three workshops where we'll work on altering a hardback book into an art journal. Let me know if you have questions, OK? And yes, there will be a FB group for the workshop where you'll be able to share the pages you create in your book. The acrylic techniques will build in complexity as we move to the second and third in the series.

Monday, November 16, 2015

AEDM, NNJM & DY Facebook Posts

I'm halfway through Art Every Day Month (AEDM) & National Non-stop Journaling Month (NNJM) yay! I'm learning more about art by being part of these two fun activities this November. I continue to post a third piece on Tammy Garcia's winderful Daisy Yellow (DY) page as well. I enjoy seeing the creative art that everyone else posts and it inspires and motivates me to improve! Below is a page I did to show sorrow at the tragic events in France last Friday the 13th.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

ICAD 2015!

Just finished 61 days and 61 pieces of art for Tanmy Garcia's Daisy Yellow Index-Card-A-Day (ICAD) 2015 Event! I finished it off with this 3x5 inch piece of art showing a parachutist floating into ICAD-vile, ha ha! Hoping to see the wonderful artists who participated this time next year, too. Until then, there's another Daisy Yelliw Facebook Page for sharing artwork at this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/daisyyellow/   The tools I used for this "ICAD-ville" card include: watercolor pencils, Sakura micron pen, watercolor pencils, and distress ink pad.  Learn more about this ICAD art challenge here:  http://daisyyellowart.com/icad/icad-faq.html